Sunday, October 26, 2014

Week 7

Internet Viruses

Oh wow, week 7's learning is really something that is very familiar to me. I myself had been a victim of certain computer viruses, mostly the Trojan virus. That unfortunately usually comes up when I do a virus scan on my computer. I seriously had no idea how the virus actually intruded into my computer when I did not access unsecure sites at all. Though i do know the name of the virus, i did not know what it really is till this lesson as I did not bother previously to actually search what it is. It really seems to have a playful personality as it masquerades itself to look benign when it is actually malicious. Seems kind of a two-faced computer virus. Thankfully it just sticks to itself and does not replicate itself. One trojan virus is already destructive enough and difficult to handle.

Another shocking thing learnt through lesson time and also the group presentation is on the usefulness of the anti virus software. I had always assumed before this that anti virus actually works well in helping me rid my computer of viruses. However I did not think that the anti virus companies could actually have been the one who continues releasing more and more dangerous computer viruses so as to keep their business going! This is just so scary to even think about. I really hope that this is not the case as the present computer viruses are already damaging enough and no one needs more. Hope someone does something to solve this issue sooner or later before the problem gets out of hand :(

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