Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Week 3

Social Media Marketing

For week 3, we learnt that social media marketing is an important strategic move that companies should adopt as not doing so will only cause them to be at the losing end. This is largely because, there is a already a significant shift from traditional media to the internet media environment. The statistics don't lie, from the media consumption chart that is in the notes give to us, it is predicted that by the year 2020, close to 90 hours per week will be spent on the internet. This is as compared to traditional television which is expected to be only reaching at about 35 hours per week. These statistics evidently shows to marketers that in order to capture the attention of the public, doing it on social media will help you to quickly access a large pool of people.

This being said, it also takes skill to do social media marketing as well, as seen by the fact that some companies succeeded but some unfortunately failed. Lets check out the good ones :)

The ones that SUCCEED ~ :) (referred to the Forbes 2014 list for this)

1) OREO :D

-> I did not know that OREO actually did participate in social media marketing. However a simple search for their Facebook and twitter account is all i need to find out why they are successful. They are witty in their style for social media marketing by catching people's attention through a sense of humour as well as beautiful images that get the point. Which is to try to get the viewer to buy their product-OREO!

An example(Taken from their twitter page):

Get the point? :D (This is temptation)

Their sense of humour as seen from :

If a cookie won’t load, try refreshing the pack once. #OreoTech

They really have their way to engage people and thus increase the desirability of their product. I absolutely loved it and may find myself following their twitter account :)


A simple trip to their twitter account will show you why it is worth following. This is because you will be updated on any offers and special events and it will definitely give you an advantage over your peers who do not follow. What can possible be better than having your favourite cup of coffee but at a much cheaper price than user? :) At time, there may even be giveaways ! Hence one can only benefit by following their twitter account :) There is currently around 6 Million followers and this shows how successful their social media marketing is :)

As seen by just this two examples, we can already tell the reason why they were successful. Both companies were able to somehow capture the attention of people to get them to desire to follow them to stay updated on their sales and promotions! There is evidence of attention grabbing as well as communication with the public to get them involved :)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Week 2

Social Media

In the world today, social media seems to be the centre of everything and so it is a huge loss if one does not participate in it, particularly businesses. Through social media, it is easy to attain effective group communication as it is a easily accessible platform. For example, through Facebook which most is found to be the most popular social media site for now with 1.317 billion monthly users! It is easily accessible in a way that people can access it through computer or an app on their smartphones, hence whether they are behind their desk or up and about, they will not lose out on any new information. There is hence effective group communication as with people being updated on any new updates there is information passing through, as well as going back in when they reply with their comments to the issue. Therefore, social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are ideal sites for people to promote social change as the population is easily accessible (millions of people are using them) as well as its accessibility in terms of ease of use that helps to ensure that the target population stays updated on what you are campaigning for. Other than social networking sites, there is also the Social Content Networks such as RSS and Email subscribers and also groups and forums.

One of the companies that made the list for companies who uses social media successfully to promote their business is Zappos, an online shoe and clothing store. The company mostly involves itself on Facebook and encourages people to engage in a "like-like" relationship with Zappos so as to be able to gain access to exclusive content and possibly promotions and discounts. Through involving themselves in social networking sites, they are better able to serve the customers and portray an image of a company that is sincere in accepting feedback from the public.